Meet Our Funders .
Many individuals, businesses, corporations, and foundations help keep our operations and programs running. We would like to recognize and thank their valuable contributions.
- City of Oakland Measure I Bond Program
- Creative Work Fund (Walter and Evelyn Haas Foundation)
- Fruitvale District Council
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- Office of City Council President Ignacio de la Fuente
- State of California
o California Heritage Fund (State Proposition 12)
o Roberti Zeeburg Fund (State Proposition 122)
o Murray-Hayden Urban Parks and Youth Service Program (State Proposition 40)
- Alameda County Arts Commission
- Alliance for California Traditional Arts
- Anza National Historic Trail
- California Arts Council
- Cal Humanities
- City of Oakland
- City of Oakland Cultural Arts and Marketing
- Clorox Company Foundation
- East Bay Community Foundation
- Friends of Oakland Parks and Recreation
- Institute of Museum and Library Services
- National Endowment for the Arts
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- Open Circle Foundation
- Rotary Club of Oakland
- Stewardship Council
- The Surtman Foundation
- The San Francisco Foundation
- The Thomas J. Long Foundation
- Trio Foundation
- Walter and Elise Haas Fund
- Bayer Foundation
- Port of Oakland
- Community Development Block Grant, City of Oakland
- Habitat Conservation Fund, State of California
- Adobe and Gifts in Kind
- City of Oakland Equal Access Office
- Demeter Fragrance Library
- Economy Lumber Company
- Harvey Clars Auction Gallery
- Laurel Ace Hardware
- Oakland Magazine
- Saags Specialty Meats
- Trader Joe's
Space limits naming the many donors who support our organization. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our donor listing. We apologize if there are any errors. Should you wish to request a change to your listing, please email or call (510) 532-9142.